ул. Комсомольская, 10б
Дневной стационар
Пн-Пт с 8:00 до 20:00

Тел.: (8442) 38-67-40
ул. Новороссийская, 26
поликлиническое отделение
Пн-Пт с 8:00 до 20:00
Сб, Вс: с 9:00 до 16:00

call-центр (8442) 96-87-77
(вызов врача на дом)

Вызов врача на дом: 122

ул. Советская, 23а
Пн-Пт: с 8:00 до 20:00
Сб, Вс: с 9:00 до 16:00
Травмпункт - круглосуточно

call-центр (8442) 32-67-07
(запись на прием к врачу)
Горячая линия: 8-961-073-47-61
Вызов врача на дом: 122

Basic information of the medical organization

Clinical health center № 3 is a state autonomous health care institution located in the heart of the hero city of Volgograd, providing medical care to patients in an outpatient setting.

There are internal medicine departments, department of surgery, clinical laboratory, radiology and physiotherapy department, health screening department, preventive measures, day patient facility and home care. Besides, there is trauma surgery around the clock.

Clinical health center number 3 has been a part of hospital and outpatient association in the central region of Volgograd since 1946. Health care facility is located in a stand along building from 1968 to present. It was the year the history of clinical health center began. The important experience and the fruitful work date back over 50 years. Since its inception, Clinical health center has been the center of structural change. It obtained the status of an independent healthcare organization in December, 1995. It became an autonomous institution in 2015.

Besides, Clinical health center number 3 is the clinical base of the department of Ambulatory and Emergency medical care of Volgograd State Medical University. Teaching staff is consulting patients in extremely severe cases.

Some statistics

750 visits per shift
34 275 population assigned
222 specialists,
ensure the continuous functioning of an institution
over 300000 people visited the institution in 2018

More information about medical tourism in Russia on the portal

"Medical tourism in Russia"

Treatment in Russia
Презентация. Профилактика употребления современных наркотиков
Методический материал. Профилактика-употребления-современных-наркотиков
Всероссийская акция. Сообщи, где торгуют смертью