ул. Комсомольская, 10б
Дневной стационар
Пн-Пт с 8:00 до 20:00

Тел.: (8442) 38-67-40
ул. Новороссийская, 26
поликлиническое отделение
Пн-Пт с 8:00 до 20:00
Сб, Вс: с 9:00 до 16:00

call-центр (8442) 96-87-77
(вызов врача на дом)

Вызов врача на дом: 122

ул. Советская, 23а
Пн-Пт: с 8:00 до 20:00
Сб, Вс: с 9:00 до 16:00
Травмпункт - круглосуточно

call-центр (8442) 32-67-07
(запись на прием к врачу)
Горячая линия: 8-961-073-47-61
Вызов врача на дом: 122

Algorithm of applying to a medical organization for a foreign patient

A few simple rules for applying to the State Autonomous healthcare institution «Clinical health center № 3»:
  1. 1. State Autonomous healthcare institution « Clinical health center № 3 » is an institution providing medical care to adults on an outpatient basis. The minimum age of the patient of our institution is 18 years.
  2. Foreign citizens must have Voluntary Health Insurance Policy by one when they visit State Autonomous healthcare institution « Clinical health center № 3»

The right way to issue Voluntary Health Insurance Policy

Reminder sign for a foreign citizen to issue Voluntary Health Insurance Policy Voluntary Health Insurance Policy for a foreign citizen is relating to the list of legally binding instruments which provide legal stay in the territory of the Russian Federation. To issue Voluntary Health Insurance Policy at insurance company office it will be required:
  • passport or another document of identification;
  • arrival-departure record
  • confirmation of payment

Voluntary Health Insurance Policy is issued on-the-spot.

Voluntary Health Insurance Policy provides health care to the extent that they have been made a pact with the insurance company. In processing Voluntary Health Insurance Policy you may add additional items of health services in which you take an interest in. Health insurance card defrays costs of health care just up to the amount of insuring. In 2019 it amounts to 100 000 rubles. Autonomous public health care institution « Clinical health center № 3 » works with the following insurance companies
  • ООО «Kapital Strakhovanie»
  • АО «Sogaz»
  • ОСАО «VSK»
  • ООО СК «VTB Strakhovanie»
  • Branch office АО «GRoup Renessans Strakhovanie»
  • СПАО «Ingostrakh»
  • ООО «SMP-Strakhovanie»
  • ООО «Savitor Group»
  • ПАО СК «Rosgosstrakh»
List of documents which are necessary for a foreign citizen to visit State Autonomous healthcare institution « Clinical health center № 3»
  • passport or another document of identification;
  • Voluntary Health Insurance Policy

Algorithm of applying to a foreign citizen in Autonomous public health care institution « Clinical health center № 3»

Презентация. Профилактика употребления современных наркотиков
Методический материал. Профилактика-употребления-современных-наркотиков
Всероссийская акция. Сообщи, где торгуют смертью