Our specialists

Godenko Viktoriya Sergeevna
Chief physician

Tatiana Vladimirovna Evseeva
Tatiana Vladimirovna Evseeva is the Deputy Chief Physician for Treatment, the general practitioner of the highest qualification category, is awarded the Medal of "Award for excellence in health care»

Galina Aleksandrovna Alyushina
Galina Aleksandrovna Alyushina is the Deputy Chief Doctor for Clinical and Expert Work, the allergist of the highest qualification category, is awarded the Medal of "Award for excellence in health care».

Galina Sergeevna Bessarab
Galina Sergeevna Bessarab is the Chief of day patient department, the gastroenterologist of the highest qualification category.

Yuriy Petrovich Vasilenok
Yuriy Petrovich Vasilenok is the Chief of Surgery, the surgeon of the highest qualification category.

Aleksandr Evgenevich Nedozhogin
Aleksandr Evgenevich Nedozhogin is the Chief of health screening department, the dermatovenerologist of the highest qualification category.

Vera Gennadevna Nikolaeva
Vera Gennadevna Nikolaeva is the Chief of therapeutics department №2, the general practitioner, the thyroid specialist

Anna Ivanovna Spikina
Anna Ivanovna Spikina is the Deputy Chief Doctor for organizational and methodological work, the chief of therapeutic department №1, therapeutics department of the highest qualification category.

Olga Ivanovna Tolstova
Olga Ivanovna Tolstova is the reflexologist of the highest qualification category

Andrey Andreevich Sharton
Andrey Andreevich Sharton is the coloproctologist